Tuesday 19 March 2013


sabda Rasulullah S.a.w

barangsiapa yang hafal dan mengamalkan tujuh kalimah ini akan dimuliakan oleh Allah dan malaikat dan akan diampuni dosa-dosanya walau sebanyak buih di lautan..

1.bismillahhirrahmannirrahim: pada tiap-tiap hendak melakukan sesuatu.

2.alhamdulliah:pada tiap-tiap habis melakukan sesuatu.

3.astagfirrullah:jika tersilap mengatakan sesuatu yang buruk.

4.insyaallah:jika ingin melakukan sesuatu pada masa akan datang.

5.lahaulawalaquataillahbillah:bila tidak dapat melakukan sesuatu yang agak berat atau melihat sesuatu yang buruk.

6.innalillah:jika menghadapi musibah atau melihat kematian.

7.laailaahaillallah:bacalah sepanjang siang dan malam sebanyak-banyaknya.amalkanlah selalu moga-moga kita tergolong dikalangan orang yang terpilih oleh Allah.
dengarlah duhai sahabat...

Pepohon cintaku kian merimbun
Semakin dicantas makin bertunas
Tidak mampu mendustai hatiku
Rasa cinta fitrah manusia

Siapalah aku menolak cinta
Yang hadir di jiwa tanpa dipaksa
Hidup ini tidak akan sempurna
Tanpa cinta dari Tuhan Yang Esa

Adam Hawa bercinta di Syurga
Angkara iblis terpisah menderita
Kerana cinta mereka setia
Bertemu di dunia

Dengan cinta kenal Pencipta
Dengan cinta kenal RasulNya
Kerana cinta kenal saudara
Bahagia keluarga
Oh indahnya cinta

Hidup tanpa cinta
Sengsaralah jiwa
Sengketa dan dusta
yang merajai jiwa

Di batasan cinta syariat terjaga
Tanpa keraguan tanpa kesangsian

Betapa sucinya kasihMu Tuhan
Betapa agungnya kebesaranMu
Diri ini mengharapkan cintaMu
Kekalkanlah rasa kehambaan ku

Wednesday 16 January 2013

Advantage and Disadvantage of various data storage devices?

Hard Disk

*Usually integrated into the PC, very robust

*Slower computer performance when full

Floppy Disk


*Very limited capacity
*Easily damaged
*Spreads viruses


*Very large storage capacity
*Some types can be reused (CD-RW and CD-R)

*Some older computers cannot read CD-RW media
*Some CD-R discs are 'write once', which means once data is copied across, new or additional data cannot be added

Zip Disk

*Large storage capacity
*Disks are durable, robust and rewriteable

*Requires a zip drive, which may not be integrated into the PC. If not, a stand-alone zip drive is required.

DVDs, or digital versatile discs, are predominantly used as a storage medium for movies, rather than as a general storage medium. They look and operate similarly to a CD-ROM, but they have a much greater storage capacity (up to 17GB).

Type of Device Storage ?

  • There are two storage devices used in computers; a primary storage device such as computer RAM and a secondary storage device such as a computer hard drive. The secondary storage could be a removable, internal, or external storage. In the picture to the right, is an example of a Drobo, an external secondary storage device.

  • Without a storage device, you and your computer would not be able to save any settings or information and would be considered a dumb terminal. Below, are some additional examples of storage devices that are used with computers.

What is Storage Device ?

  • A data storage device is a device for recording (storing) information (data). Recording can be done using virtually any form of energy, spanning from manual muscle power in handwriting, to acoustic vibrations in phonographic recording, to electromagnetic energy modulating magnetic tape and optical discs.

  • A storage device may hold information, process information, or both. A device that only holds information is a recording medium. Devices that process information (data storage equipment) may either access a separate portable (removable) recording medium or a permanent component to store and retrieve information.

Tuesday 15 January 2013